By now your baby looks like a mini-version of what she'll look like when she's born. All her facial features are formed and hair is growing on her head. She's even acting like a baby and will occasionally suck her thumb or yawn.
Baby's heartbeat is getting stronger and can be heard using a good old-fashioned stethoscope. By 21 weeks, fetal bone marrow starts making blood cells—previously done by the liver and spleen. This may not sound that exciting, but it's good news.

The amniotic fluid that has been cushioning your little bean now serves another purpose: Your baby uses it to "practice" chowing down. Your baby has been swallowing amniotic fluid for a while now, but now the intestines are finally developed enough that she's absorbing small amounts of sugars from it. And let's face it, being able to effectively digest sugar is important at every stage of life.

Your baby now weighs between 10 and 11 ounces and is approximately 7 inches long—the size of a delicious, cold, frothy bottle of root beer. Float anyone?
My Pregnancy Symptoms:
- Larger chest
- Acne
- Fatigue
- Aversion to water
- My growing belly!
- Little "popping" sensations near pelvic area. Baby is sitting/laying VERY low.
- Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (All I have to say is ouch...look it up...I would say this is almost worse then the nausea I had for weeks)
Best Moment Of The Week:
Being able to slip in the fact when I talk to strangers that I am having a girl. Being able to go out and actually SHOP for a girl!
I am over halfway there. Do not think for one second that the worrying has lessened though. When I do not feel her movements for a long period of time I start to get really worried. Most of the time though when she moves I am in an awkward sitting position (this must bother her because of how low I am carrying) or just before bed at night when I am on my left side. Other then that movements are very sporadic and if I do happen to have my hand close to my belly I feel nothing. Poor DH...he wants to be a part of this so bad!
November 27th - DR. S
November 28th - Women's Center
Other Info & Thoughts:
Other then the SPD - which makes walking, stairs, sleeping and lifting my legs painful - everything is peachy. I finally have a huge appetite back. But...this doesn't mean I can stuff myself...I find if I do I feel extremely sick afterwards.
I hate that I have to wait so long until my next appointment. Because of everything that has happened I just like the reassurance that everything is going to be ok. Maybe if the baby moved a little more I would feel a little better but not so...
One thing that I love is hearing DH talk about the baby. He has all these thoughts and ideas and I cannot wait to see him turn to a daddy's girl mush bag.
I love how they mention rootbeer floats in the baby timeline events because I have been so majorly craving them! I don't think our household has gone though a 2L of pop that quickly ever!