15 Weeks:
Although many women don't start feeling the baby move until the 17th week (or later), your baby has been having its own party in the amniotic sac it calls home. If you feel a little flutter in your belly this week, don't discount it as gas or hunger. It could be your babe banging around.

Your baby's legs are growing longer than his arms now and all his joints and limbs can move.Genitals MAY be pretty well developed by the end of this week but you will want to wait a few weeks before you can find out accurately if you should be buying pink or blue.

Although baby's eyes are sealed shut, now he or she is able to sense light. Eyes and ears finally look like real baby features now. As your baby practices sucking and swallowing actions, he or she may actually hiccup.

Although YOU have only probably gained about 5 pounds or so over the next month, baby will grow faster than ever, so make sure you load up on enough nutritious food and fluids to support his growth. Your baby now measures nearly 4 inches, about the size of a Kit Kat "finger" (regular-size, not the Big one you get at the movies) - or again if you are going healthy...a navel orange, and weighs almost 2 ounces.
My Pregnancy Symptoms:
- Larger chest...at times sore
- Generally feeling much warmer
- Bloated
- Dry Lips & skin - especially on my face...major peeling
- Nausea has lessened and I feel nausea some days all day but am only throwing up about once a day now!
- Fatigue
- Minor aversion to water...thinking about drinking it causes more of a gag reflex
- Tingling, burning, tight Nipples
- Pregnancy Acne
- My growing belly!
Best Moment Of The Week:
DH coming to my appointment with Dr.S and actually getting so see an ultrasound of the baby first hand!
Booking our 3D scan and anticipating our gender testing on the 29th!
October 7th - Lab blood work
October 18th with Dr. Y
October 29th - Gender assessment
Other Info & Thoughts:
Throwing up is getting really really old. There are some days I feel pretty good and then BAM it hits and then others I feel nauseated all day and then end the day getting sick. Either way...not fun.
I have officially outgrown some of my clothes. I was a little sad. I mean...one pair of clothing was even my "comfy wear around the house pants"...that was a bummer.
I dread October and November...it means DH is gone...A LOT. He is almost gone half of October this year. I get left all alone with the dog ...who by the way pouts just as much about this as I do!
I am excited for my sister to come home from college over Christmas to see how big I have gotten. I think it is going to be a big shock for her!
I am offically not cleared to go back to work. Which...when I sent in the doctors information to my job must have pissed them off because I got a lay-off notice about two days later. I spent yesterday FREAKING OUT about finances while DH stood behind me as I had excel open working out our finances saying "Babe...its going to be ok. We are going to be Ok." I think more for me it is the fact that I have been independent and paying my own bills for as long as I can remember! To be completely reliant on someone else for money is a foreign concept. At least DH makes good money. But...this really threw a wrench in things. I am supposed to be taking it easy and not stressing out but that did NOT help.
Every day I feel a little better about the pregnancy but there are defiantly set backs. Like the other day a friend of mine says to me... "Did you know a pregnancy is not technically viable until the 7th month." Bubble officially burst. Then I start to think...I am only 15 weeks...finishing just my 4th month...that seems FOREVER away...will I make it!?!!? Oh boy...this growing a baby thing is stressful....!
Hi Kyla,
ReplyDeleteI'm a lurker that found your blog through someone on babyzone way back at the beginning of the year. I'm sorry I haven't posted yet, but I was pregnant at the time you were grieving your miscarriage and I didn't want to add to it. I had a miscarriage before my rainbow baby and now he's 3 months old and perfect. :)
Anyway, I have to say I check every Tuesday for your update post and I was SO worried last week. I'm happy to hear your little bean is growing like crazy and I'm sorry to hear about all of the things that were keeping you busy these last two weeks. When it doesn't rain it friggin' pours right?
I just wanted to jump out of lurkdom to let you know that someone on the internet was sending out good vibes for your baby. I hope things start getting better for you and I'm sorry to hear about the added stress.
Hi Chatty Mama, nice to meet you!
DeleteI am sorry I worried you last week. It was so super hectic!
Thanks for keeping an eye on me, it is good to know I have so many people out there rooting for this little bean!
Yay 15 weeks! Sorry about still throwing up!not to make you feel worse...but I threw up today at 19 weeks :( so sorry about your mom being in the hospital and about dh's gma...it seems to all hit at once, doesn't it? Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteStill getting sick at 19 weeks?! Ugh...great, lol.
DeleteI had such wicked heartburn last night and it just wouldnt go away....so I ended up sleeping in until about 9:30PM today...
I hope school is going well for you and that other then the sickness you are doing good!