If your baby is a girl, her uterus is fully developed and the ovaries already hold primitive egg cells.

Your baby's skin is still translucent and wrinkly, not unlike an old man's, but more fat will soon accumulate under the dermas to plump her out. If you could peer inside right now, you'd be able to see all the veins under the skin. And speaking of veins, your baby's heart now pumps about 25 quarts of blood per day. Eyes are now locked and loaded at their final destination, facing forward rather than to the sides.

This is the week women get an amniocentesis, if their doc recommends it. In addition to supplying doctors with a boatload of info about the baby's health, amnios are also more than 99 percent accurate in determining what version of baby you'll be having. So if you want to know and you're getting an amnio, now's a great time to find out for sure.
Your baby is now some 10cm long from crown to rump, about the size of an avocado, and weighs about 100g. In the next three weeks your little avocado will go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling in weight and adding centimeters to length.
My Pregnancy Symptoms:
- Larger chest
- Generally feeling much warmer
- Dry Lips & skin - especially on my face...major peeling
- Nausea has lessened and I feel all day nausea some days all day but am only throwing up about every other day now!
- Fatigue
- Tried to drink water the other day and proceeded to throw up the rest of the night...
- Tingling, burning, tight Nipples
- Pregnancy Acne - a little less a this point
- My growing belly!
- Little "popping" sensations near pelvic area
Best Moment Of The Week:
Taking to my dad's mother about her pregnancy with him. Such a good bonding moment. I also got to start planning on Gender Reveal Party.
Thinking I MIGHT have felt the baby move....just maybe...but not sure what it was...and it has only happened once.
October 29th - Gender assessment
November 2nd - Dr. Y seals in envelope what gender we are having for DH and I to find out later that night together!
Other Info & Thoughts:
Not much has happened this week. Just chugging along. This is the longest time I will go between ultrasounds and that is a little scary...I like the calming effect of seeing that little heartbeat. Three more weeks until I see that again.
I have started to eat more and more. This past weekend was Thanksgiving and I went to my parents for a huge dinner, then to an extended family thing for dessert after that and then I went home and ate two bagels!!! I couldn't believe how much I consumed. This morning I also woke up at about 4AM and HAD To eat something...so I had an apple. It is definitely nice not throwing up everything I eat now. Makes mealtimes a thousand times more enjoyable.
I thought I MIGHT be able to get away with finally drinking straight water a couple day ago so I gave it a go. It was a complete fail. An hour later I spent the rest of the night on the toilet after dry heaving for what seemed like forever. So...as for now...water is still not an option...I feel awful about that but I am trying to get my liquids in other forms such as juices, creme frapps, milk, etc.
4 more weeks until I hit the halfway point...
Happy 16 weeks! Yay for feeling a little better...hopefully you will feel completely better soon! Yuck about the water...I am finally drinking it again as of 2 weeks ago. This stretch is hard in btwn appt isnt it? When I finally go next week it will have been 7 weeks...crazy! Can't wait for your gender reveal!