In just two days, from days thirty-one to thirty-three, the brain becomes one-quarter larger. If you were to have an ultrasound, it would be able to detect the beating heart, which shows up looking like a tiny flashing light.Baby is now the approximate size of a blueberry!

Your baby's face is becoming more defined this week. A tiny mouth hole (which will be ready to wail before you know it!), tongue, nostrils and ear indentations are visible. His or her eyes are wide open, but he doesn't have irises (the colored part) yet.
Baby's arm buds are growing. At this point they look more like microscopic ping-pong paddles than arms. Baby's leg buds are also forming and will look like tiny paddles by the end of the week.
The umbilical cord—the connection between your baby and the placenta—is now visible.
Your baby is now between 1/3 and 1/4 inch long—about the length of a Tic Tac and about as heavy as an eyelash. While that sounds tiny, he or she is approximately 10,000 times bigger than at conception.
My Pregnancy Symptoms:
- Sore/ heavy/ larger bbs
- Trouble getting comfortable and sleeping at night
- Generally feeling much warmer
- Bloated
- Dry Lips
- Frequent Urination
- Nausea almost every day/ getting sick at least once a day
- Fatigue
-Aversion to water
- Burning Nipples
- Stuffy/Runny Nose (Not sure if this is the pregnancy or just the usual bad allergies I get in July & August)
Best Moment Of The Week:
Getting to 7 weeks without red spotting!!! Yay for me!
This is the first pregnancy that I have gotten this far without having to go to the hospital. My naturopath is treating me for a "threatened miscarriage" due to all the spotting but so far so good!
August 9, 2012 - Dr. S...getting so close!
The "morning sickness"/ nausea has kicked in. Usually it is not in the morning though...lol. Usually it is about mid-afternoon until right until I go to bed. I am getting sick at least once a day and now have a designated "bucket" that I carry with me throughout the house because when it strikes there is usually no getting to the washroom in time.
Other Info:
My benefits for sick leave still have not kicked in...which leaves me broker then broke. That basically means I have had no money come in since the the week of June. We took out some savings so I could pay basic bills but my claim better come in soon or things might get really interesting. I am super excited for two days from now when I see Dr.S. Since the last time he saw me I was in tears over two losses this should be a much different visit!
happy 7 weeks! so sorry you're getting sick...it stinks! but you are so right...if it means a healthy baby...bring it on!