What I have wondered since Monday when we found out is ..."Does it get easier?" Do the thoughts and anxiety and worries about losing another baby while pregnant go away or do they stay with you? Since our losses in September and December and now being pregnant again I worry every sneeze, bowel moment, wrong twist or turn or sensation is cause for worry. I do NOT want to spend this pregnancy worried. I want to enjoy every millisecond of it...but...how does a person get over that?
Even though there are worries I am still kicking in to high gear to prepare. Last night I told my sister. After our second loss she ask that when we got pregnant again she be told first and right away. I had to go pick up more meds from the pharmacy and when I was there I happened to pass down the baby isle where this sign caught my eye....
I proceeded to her work and went up to the counter and asked if she had a moment. I was super serious. I am surprised I kept a straight face. I told her I needed two minutes to show her something on my car. She looked worried. As she should be...I've had been in three car accidents in like 6 months so there was cause for worry. We walk to the parking lot and to the back of the car where I had placed the sign in the rear window. It took her a moment but when she finally saw her her jaw dropped open and I got the biggest hug. Such a great moment to share with her! I told her she could NOT tell me parents because we were telling them at the family picnic on Sunday. She was slightly miffed when she heard the due date as she will be going away to school in September but I just told her that means she has to come back! I am enjoying telling people the news and am hoping I can keep it in until we tell the whole family. I will be posting on facebook probably sometime after our 12 week scan...just to be safe...
DH and I decided last night that because the last time we told everyone and gave them gifts we should do the same this time around as well. Last time we bought all the grandparents Pack N' Plays as a way to say we wanted them to be very much a part of this journey with us. This time I think I found something else pretty awesome!
We will be giving each set of grandparents a "Grandparent Journal" that they can share things about them and their family history and their thoughts during my pregnancy, first years and teen years. They then can gift that to their grandchild as a remembrance of their lives and how they felt during the time they spent with them. It takes a bit of commitment on their part to fill it out but hopefully it will be something that will interest them!
As for other news I get quite a bit of cramping when I get up from lying down or sitting and had a nosebleed this morning but other then that barely any morning sickness today! My bbs are still very sensitive but I love seeing how my body is preparing once more for our beautiful baby. DH has been on cloud 9...I am so thankful I could give him this amazing gift ...I just know how great of a father he is going to be. He is already thinking about the birth and spending time with the baby after that. I think it is sort of killing him not being able to tell anyone at work...I do not blame him...I am having a hard enough time keeping it in myself!!
BTW - My ticker today reads:

LOVE seeing that ticker! What a creative way to tell your sister...and dh with the bun in the oven idea! Love it! I think we will always worry, but I hope that after overcoming some checkpoints (symptoms, heartbeat, 12 week u/s) we will start to feel better little by little!
ReplyDeleteFor me, once I passed the point I miscarried at the first time, I felt better. I felt a ton better after my 9 week ultrasound for dating. Once we hit 11 weeks and could find the heart beat at home, we found it on a daily basis and it made me feel a lot better nightly. Then of course, once baby started moving it helped a ton as well but I still reach for the doppler on lazy days. Fetaldoppler.net is great and ships to Canada. I got the Sonoline B doppler and you can start hearing the HB at about 8 weeks depending on how you carry. For us it wasn't super great until 11 weeks when we could find it every time. Those checkpoints definitely helped me.