Monday 23 April 2012

She's Baaaaccckkk!

Here is the truth. I am not totally bummed with getting AF. In fact it is good. I did a half dose of Prometrium Saturday and Sunday and and EXPECTED her to arrive today. I started spotting last night with some lovely cramps so it is really no surprise.
It is actually a good thing that we were not trying last month because the last time I was pregnant about a month in I got into a bad car accident and lost the baby a few weeks after. And now with this second accident that happened two weeks ago I am happy because my body would have AGAIN been so stressed out and in so much pain I do not think I could have emotionally handled another loss on top of that. I still have trouble walking and doing stairs so this all worked out for the better. Now this gives me a couple more weeks for my body to heal and start feeling less pain before it accepts a pregnancy.

I am literally only doing three things this cycle:
1. Prenatals
2. OPKs
3. Progesterone
(4). Pregnancy test
That last one doesn't count but I thought I would add it because you bet your butt I will be pulling those suckers out of the cabinet in three-ish weeks! lol

On the up side...because I am on the layoff list I have been putting my resume out there. I got a call for a job Friday but because I was at work I could not call back. Then by the time I could call back at the end of my work day they were closed. But...they called me again this morning...which I answered at my desk (bad girl) and we will be booking an interview for this week. Yay!
Also I got a job letter and we worked it out with our mortgage broker that we may be able to sign a six month rate approval so even if I get laid off if we sell the house within six months we are all good.
We also had our Realtor over on Sunday and decided we will be putting the house up for sale next Monday. The market is pretty much the same as last year...which is a total bummer but we have to sell this is totally holding us back.

May could not come soon many possibly life changing events! Exciting!

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