Tuesday 10 April 2012


I can almost say with an absolutely guarantee that we managed NOT to get pregnant this cycle...unless some divine presence deems it completely necessary (and funny). I got my blaring positive OPK on Saturday and since DH and I have both been so sick we had not BD'd anywhere near that possible time to get pregnant. So I guess we were successful at not getting pregnant this month at planned.

When I logged on to fertility friend and it gave me my odds of being pregnant (pretty much non-existent) as "Low" because of the fact we had not DTD in the window allotted I had to laugh. At least we did something right this time around, lol.

I have started concentrating on my health and currently am almost one week complete on my 90 Day Challenge. Three pounds lighter! Yay! Go me! If I only lose 10 pounds before I get pregnant at least that is 10 pounds lost. And then the challenge will help me to develop healthy habits that will lead to a healthy pregnancy weight gain.
I am blogging about that too so if you want to follow that as well feel free:

I finally figured out why I was so sick a week and a half ago...Tonsillitis. Bleh. I have some residual effects from it (sore throat, etc) Feeling more and more like myself with every passing day though. And it probably helps with all the proper nutrition I am getting now as well.

I started progesterone last night and feeling a little off today...perhaps it is slightly due to that as well. One thing I am glad about is with the progesterone that means now my AF will happen before I go away the last weekend of the month so I will not have to deal with her then...yippee! Small victory.
And also, if you have noticed I went from ovulating on CD31 to CD18...WOW! Big difference.
Can't wait to see what this next cycle brings!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats on the weight loss and super earlier O! That is awesome! Can't wait to see next cycle! I'm only a few days behind u...got my blaring + yesterday, so if no bfp this cycle...we will likely be close to cycle buds! Hope you feel better soon and the next month flies by and you continue to get healthy! I need to do that myself!
