Friday 27 January 2012

The Things I Do....

Yesterday was my first day of Pineapple Core. And all I have to say is this...blah..ick..chewy grossness.

Oh the things we will do to conceive... I have to date:

Cut out almost ALL caffeine
Completely cut out alcohol
Starting watching my diet...eating more fruits and veggies
POAS almost every day
Drank boatloads of water
Drank grapefruit juice to induce ovulation
Taken prenatals - horse pills - for months
Taken baby aspirin for the last two and a half weeks
Taken Musinex for the last week and a half
Will eat pineapple core 1-5 DPO
Elevated certain body parts to assist in conception
DTD in very specific positions
Taken temperature every morning
Checked CM and CP

And the list goes on and on....

Personally it frustrates me now when I hear people/friends of ours say, "Getting pregnant is so easy, we just did it in the middle of my cycle and voila a baby 9 months later!"
Voila? VOILA?! Are you freaking kidding me. Oh it must be nice to have a normal 28 day cycle but I NEVER have...and especially have not since the mc. Getting pregnant is easy? Ha! Easy my ass....

Now I guess I can't get too frustrated because to date we have been pregnant two times in the last four months. One chemical, one mc at about 7ish weeks. So technically its not the GETTING pregnant that we suck's the STAYING pregnant we are having issues with.

I have considered myself to be 1DPO today. Nothing terribly unusual symptoms wise. I had less sleep last night because of Molly again and then have just been gassy today. But nothing to write home about. Part of me is secretly hoping my bbs start to hurt and I start to throw up any day now, lol. I have also told DH that I hope I am just sicker then a dog this time around. I had it pretty good during the last one and in my mind I have told myself if I have more of the symptoms that will make it more sustainable. Watch me totally kick myself for saying that one....

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