Tuesday 31 January 2012

It's My (Pity) Party And I'll Cry If I Want To

Soooooo....pretty sure I am NOT pregnant. I'm ticked. I mean...I sort of had it in the back of my mind that since this was the first ovulation since my mc and I ovulated so late there would be a chance of it but...oh man...feeling so frustrated right now.

I have NO symptoms...not one and during my other two I had loads right after ovulation. Also, my temp and FF is not cooperating. This morning I searched charts that looked like mine that ended in a pregnancy and you know how many came up? 2..... 2 out of thousands of charts. Not exactly a good sign.
Even my ever optimistic DH is not sure and has his doubts with this cycle. And that says a lot.

The ONLY positive is my "pregnancy buddy" is not pregnant either. So we are still in the game together. I am expecting AF on Feb 10th. Which is sort of a downer as well because that is when DH and I were going to celebrate valentines. It would have been nice to be pregnant over VD but I guess I will just have a drink instead (lol).

A part of me is considering just not testing and waiting for AF to show up. Also, that way I don't have to waste a test and can save it for the next cycle. BTW - how glad am I that I already purchased another set of OPKs off of ebay as a back up in case this happened! With the lack of symptoms I also do not feel the need to test. Who knows if I will be able to hold out or not but it's a thought.


  1. I've stopped testing most cycles. I just wait for AF to show or my temp to drop. It has saved me a lot of heartache. That "charts like mine" feature is truly evil. It either tells me I have no chance or tells me something is wrong with me because everyone else with my chart got pregnant (ok, so it was kind of right about that . . .).

    1. Yes, I agree, it is evil. Especially because I have not known my chart to be normal even WHEN I got pregnant.
      On the upside (not really an upside at all) at least your diagnosis sounds cool...much better sounding then my "RH Incompatibility"
      I am googling like crazy right now trying to reassure myself that regardless of the fact that I got pregnancy symptoms right away twice before with my BFP that not getting any right now does not mean anything bad...
      As another reader posted we should change it to the TWT (Two Week Torture) instead of the light and fluffy TWW (Two Week Wait).

  2. Kyla...so sorry! We are on such an emotional roller coaster TTC. Sending lots of hugs your way!
