As most of you know I am using OPKs. The last two cycles I used Clearblue Digital Ovulation (the one with the smiley). They worked perfectly. This cycle I mistakenly ordered First Response's version of the digital OPK.

Now before I say anything please note I have previously been very happy with First Response. Their pregnancy test allowed me to see a BFP at 9DPO the last time I was pregnant. Their early detection pregnancy tests are awesome. Their digital ovulation tests are not. In fact...they suck the big one. I have used OPKs before so it is not like I do not know what I am doing. I originally bought the product because it was cheaper then Clearblue. I, very unlike me, did not fully do the research on the product just honestly thinking that they would have as superior of a product as Clearblue. Not so. Once I read the package description over I discovered that once you get a "Yes+" their monitor shuts off completely and will not let you get any test results after that. At least with the Clearblue monitor you can test and test all you want and use the monitor as many times as you want. Despite me being very angry about what seemed to be a very big waste of money I started my testing with their product yesterday. I figured I had it, I might as well use it and never thought for a moment that it wouldn't work.

Well...welcome to my evening of OPK hell....the first try it blinked and blinked at me and then about 5 mins later gave me a "?" on the monitor. I reread the package over thinking I must have done a step wrong. Nope. Then I tested again and it blinked and blinked and came up with another "?". So I tried for a THIRD time and finally got a "No-". Which I had known already because lets be honest...there is no way for me to have ovulation this early into my cycle. I was pissed. Super Pissed. I call DH to rant and rave. His response was the same question I had already asked myself early in the day after reading the product reviews (which were awful btw)...."What if the tests don't work and we miss your ovulation." But I assured him - ever the planner that I was - I had already bought and requested one day shipping for the Clearblue tests. There is NO WAY I am missing that eggie. So no thanks First Response.... Your product gets a BIG FAT FAIL from me. This TTC'er is sticking with Clearblue OPKs from now on. When you are a woman TTC in a vulnerable state like I am you want to know the product is going to work....and for me...I can't trust their OPKs....its as simple as that.
Dear First Response: Just a thought - Due to the overwhelming amount of problems with your digital OPKS you might want to think twice before marketing your product as "Unmistakable".... as is not.
oh annoying!!! so sorry you had to deal with that! you are so right, do not mess with a crazy ttc lady! at least now you know what works for you! and...i got a really nice spike this thinking i o'd yesterday. hope yours doesn't keep you waiting this cycle! my first cycle after mirena i o'd on cd22, after mc i od on cd28, then after that they got more normal...cd17 and cd18 this cycle. hoping the same for you!