Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happy Love Day!

It may not be a holiday but it will always hold a special part in my heart. I just love Valentines Day. Happy Valentines day to you and yours. Go out and shower the world with love! Also, a HUGE shout out to my bestest girlfriend who has her birthday today!! This is also my very first Vanetines day being a married woman....feels strange...and awesome all at once.

I had a small victory last night! The face mask I was using I either kept taking off during the night or kept falling off so I went to go buy a new one. As I was looking on the lunaception chat boards all the ladies kept mentioning a "bucky" mask that was apparently amazing. Well...I didn't want to purchase it online and then have to wait a few weeks to get it so I just decided to go to the nearest Bed, Bath & Beyond. They had tons to choose from but low and behold ...with only one left...a Bucky 40 Winks eye mask!!!!!!  This morning I woke up with the eye mask still in place, victory! I also think I fall asleep faster with it. I am a light sleeper so anything that helps is awesome. This mask is contoured for your eyes and face, has a flat strap and is so comfortable. Also it blocks out almost all the light, which is essential for lunaception.

This week I also have to drive across the border to pick up the presseed and digital HPTs that are sitting in my mail box. Life is just going to get busier and busier as DH and I started back up on renos for the house. We tried to list the house last year but the market was terrible and we ended up taking it down. This year we plan to give it another shot but not before we give the house a little face lift. We are going to buy some new furniture this weekend that I think will make the space look even more spectacular!

In my Valentines day card to DH I wrote, "This year will be holding a lot of changes for us and I can't wait to experience them with you." I have a good but nervous feeling about this month. I pretty much knew last cycle that my eggie was not going to work out but I am so hopeful for this month. If things work out we should have packed, moved and had a baby before the end of the year. I don't mind change, and those changes in our lives I am especially looking forward to.


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