Wednesday 15 February 2012


Seriously freaked out right now. I dove a little deeper into lunaconception research comparing my chart to the lunar calendar and here is what I found:

Full Moon - Nov 10/ Dec 10/ Jan 9/ Feb 7

My Period - Nov 10/ End of Dec & Early Jan - Miscarriage bleed/ Feb 7

New Moon - Nov 25/ Dec PG/ Jan 23/ Feb 21

OPK/FF Ovulation - Nov 26(BFP)/ Dec PG/ Jan 26/ Feb 22 (predicted by FF)

I cannot believe I cycle to the lunar calendar and had no idea! How come no one tells you about this!?!?!??!So now...I am starting to wonder...was FF off in January...? Did I miss my egg by just a little bit in January because we didn't have condomless BD until the very late evening of the 24th...even though I got a positive OPK on the 24th?? Strange....and so very intriguing!

So then...I am assuming I will ovulate somewhere between the 21-22nd of February. If that is true I am planning on doing the BD Feb 21-afternoon/22nd early morning and late evening.

I am so blown away by this. Pretty much the only thing that has thrown off what should have been perfect mimic of the moon phase was my miscarriage.

But...that also means if we do not catch the egg this cycle next cycle is a bust because I would end up being due two days after Christmas...which is NOT something we want. It will be VERY interesting to see which day my OPKs predict my ovulation this cycle....very interesting indeed....

****I should note - apparently my cycle is backwards - a normal person is supposed to PMS with the new moon and ovulate with the full moon. I would be curious to see if anyone elses cycle follows any sort of moon patterns****

1 comment:

  1. I wish mine did that! How cool. My cycles are too long to match up that way, but I do notice a difference in my yoga practice with the new and full moon. I think it's the new moon that throws off balance and the full moon that makes us sluggish. My studio doesn't do classes on those days each month because of the moon's effect.

    There was a post on BBC about conception and lunar cycles. Something about when you were born and how that affects your pregnancies. You may want to search for it. It didn't totally match up for me, but it did for a lot of people.
