I am pretty sure the wicked witch of the west has arrived to take over me and my little dog too. *BIG sigh*
Last night I had some spotting, not enough to make it a full force AF but it was still bright red.
That AND a BFN was really depressing. I am going to admit. I had two glasses of wine with dinner last night feeling really defeated.
Event though a part of me thought this would happen because it is my first cycle since the MC and because I ovulated so darn late I was still hopeful. What really confuses me though is my temp really has not gone down all that much....usually at the start of AF I am back to my lower temps...but I am still pretty high above the cover line which makes me wonder why...?
I am preparing to incorporate the following in to TTC. Today I am going out and buying a proper BB thermometer. I am driving to the US tonight to pick up my OPKS and aspirin and HPT and am going to buy some preseed. I also started to incorporate lunaconception. DH and I made the room super dark last night and I slept with a eye mask on. I will sleep without the mask and with a moonlit nightlight on CD13-15. This is to bring forward my ovulation day...I will be so unimpressed if I ovulate on CD30 again.
This week is super busy so I am glad I have some things to take my mind off the fact that we are still not pregnant. My TTC buddy and I are feeling really positive about November, I hope I can hold on to that optimistic feeling as the witch settles in this week...I am going to need it.
So sorry AF is on the way...ugh! Sounds like you have a great plan for this coming cycle! Kmfx for you! Sending lots of hugs your way!