Monday 14 May 2012

Wishful Thinking


It is going to be a HOT one here this week. (Finally!) 28 degrees today, wow! It is a good thing we have air conditioning.

Today is my first day of real stomach issues. I have some cramping and major gas have to stop walking pain. And my boobs hurt more and more every day. DH thinks they look bigger and feel heavier but then again he thought that last cycle so it really could be all in his head as well! lol
I am also really really REALLY tired. I could go for a nap at any point in the day and lets not forget the hunger..Normally in the mornings I do not have that much of an appetite but lately I am waking up feeling like I could consume an entire turkey dinner. I should also note I was seriously not with it dumb blonde...I had so many moments where I do not know what I was thinking. I was forgetful and confused a lot. So not like me....
Since all I have left are digi HPTs I am going to pick up a FRER and POAS with FMU on Thursday. I also just happen to have an appointment with my doctor that day as well so I will know to tell him and make some plans if that is the case. I am so nervous....three more days and then I will find out!!

*EDIT* I also forgot to mention that last night I had to get up to go to the bathroom about three times. Tack that on to the rest and my possible symptoms are looking pretty impressive...

I cannot remember if I mentioned this but DH and I decided that if I am pregnant we would tell family on Father's Day. They will most likely deflect to the mothers for reaction but it will be really hilarious to see that take place. That is just my wishful thinking though...DH is well aware that the likelihood of me having an emotional breakdown if I see another BFN is pretty high. Let's hope we will not have to go there though. I would rather be crying tears of joy then frustration this time.

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