Wednesday 9 May 2012

The Days Go Slow


Last night I had the most vivid dream. I do not usually dream so that was odd. Not sure to chalk it up to a symptom or the progesterone..which I started last night. My chest is still sore and aches but now this is probably being heightened by the meds as well. The one good thing is I sleep so well. Prometrium tends to make you sleepy...thus why I take it right before bed. With all the stress in my life right now I am grateful I am not adding insomnia so that list.

I stopped temping because it drives me CRAZY. The meds tend to give false numbers (and hope) so I just decided to stop all together after my first dose. Even though it is only two days into my 2WW it feels like this is going to be the longest one EVER. I look at my calendar and there are so many days between now and testing.

I have another interview today. Can you tell I am not at all excited about this process?? I just can't believe I am HERE....AGAIN. This current job was supposed to be in my long term plans. Stupid economy. People say its getting better but now I have been laid off from three jobs in 5 years. This is beginning to get a little ridiculous.

Not really much else to report today. Last night I had a small amount of cramping before bed and this morning I have pulling on the right side of my pelvic bone and gas (sexy, lol) . However, with all my aches and pains due to the accident I would not be surprised if some of that is attributed to something else.

After all this time DH is so widely optimistic. It really blows my mind. Every time after ovulation he always speaks in terms as if he already knows we are pregnant. Sometimes it gets a little much but I have to accept that is his way of dealing with this roller coaster. I love him so much and he has been so great and supportive. This experience has brought us so much closer together and for that I am grateful but I am ready for the season of TTC to be over. I know many women wait much longer but I do not know how much longer my heart can hold out.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry the days are going slow...hopefully they start speeding up soon! +opk for me so I should be joining you in the 2ww soon :) praying we get to be due date buds!
