Monday 12 March 2012

Halfway There

My life feels like a Bon Jovi song at the moment...

"We've got each other and that's a lot for love -
We'll give it a shot.
Oooo We're half way there - Oho Livin' on a prayer
Take my hand and we'll make it I swear -
Ohoh livin' on a prayer."

and here are my It-Could-All-Be-In-My-Head Symptoms:

- Restless sleep AGAIN last night...leaving to a very out of it and tired morning so far
- Nipps are still sensitive.
- Boobs SLIGHTLY tender and I noticed yesterday that they are slightly enlarged as well.
- Still cramping
- Still gassy
- Temp still high
- Stuffy/Runny nose this morning (perhaps that is due to the lack of sleep and a cold is looming?)
- Darkened larger nipps?
Updates as of now (afternoon)
- Pulling/twingin odd feeling in middle of pelvic area...almost like a poking
- HUNGRY all morning. Eating eating eating. Soooo not normal for me as I am not a morning eater. Food tends to just generally gross me out in the morning.
- Heartburn...oh the agony...

The baby shower last night was good. They are having a girl - we're happy for them. Truly. I voted girl and DH voted boy so I won, lol - mother-to-be intuition...?? Now for the not so funny part. Now, DH knew I was not thrilled at attending another baby function. The event was held in a big back room at a restaurant/pub. We walk in and her mom ushers us to our seats at the table. We sit down and make casual talk with the people around us and the conversation flows fine until the girl next to me gets up to go to the bathroom. The very almost ready to pop -due in a couple weeks pregnant girl. I am pretty sure I stopped talking mid-sentence. DH's eyes went wide and he was like, "oh babe...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry...of course we get sat next to her." And I pretty much just looked at him, put a smile on my face and said "well, that is just my luck now isn't it." I am very impressed at myself for now losing it. Minor victory!
On a good note my mind will be taken off of all things baby tonight as it is the finale of The Bachelor. I know what you are thinking ...but it is like a car wreck..I can't stop watching. Now that I hate Courtney so much I have to see it to the end! lol

I am currently have way through this "two week wait" and I have absolutely NO idea what to think...I temps are high...that's good right? But I really have no concrete symptoms. If any of my symptoms change, increase, decrease or what have you I will be sure to update my post. Until that point I just have to get through this monday...and workday...(bleh).

P.S - Anyone else getting wierded out at how similar my chart is from November when I became is sorta creepy!
Take a look:
See..I told you...creepy...


  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you! Your chart looks awesome too :)

    I'm so jealous...I haven't O'ed since mid January :(

    1. Oh boo for no Ov!!!!
      I am hoping next cycle treats you better!

    2. hey you! i know i'm "replying" to another message...but i can't seem to leave a Comment the regular way once someone else already has?

      ANYWAYS...i'm kmfx for you too! i can't believe how similar your charts look! i just don't want you to get upset it you don't get that rise tomorrow. whatever your temps do, you still have a chance at a bfp!!!! i'm bummed too we wouldn't be i the same birth club, but who cares, right? we have our blogs to keep us up to date with each other! oh, and i have been watching the Bachelor for years...and am definitely watching tonight! i know it's ridiculous, but it's my guilty pleasure!

    3. Angie I have a feeling you and I would be great friends, lol.
      And don't worry - at this point I am actually expecting my temp to go down not up because if anything I implant around 6DPO so I am not expecting a rise at all.
      On another bahcelor note if he picks courtney they deserve eachother. I also do not think he is good enough for Lindzi...but whatever. A couple more hours and the world will know!
