Monday 5 March 2012

A Litteral Laugh Out Loud

Today we were celebrating a colleagues 20 years with the company with a special lunch. I happen to over-hear a conversation that a bunch of men were having on the other side of the lunch room. Apparently one of them had just seen a documentary on the human body - functions, etc. Now you have to picture a room of full grown men sitting around in a circle and one of them says this:

"Did you know that a woman is born with all the eggs she will ever lay in her life?!"

Nope. You didnt read that wrong. I litterally laughed out loud. And no, I didnt correct him...because ...lets be's funnier that way.

Just the mental image of women "laying" eggs was enough to send me into histarics. I am sorry...but I am not a chicken...never have been and never will LAY an egg...of any kind.

Hows that for some Monday humor for you? Your welcome...(sometimes I swear God created men clueless just so women could laugh)

1 comment:

  1. yup...i literally LOL when i read this!!! i have a feeling if i tell my dh this story he will respond with something like, "what? what's funny?" haha...he probably won't even get it!
