Friday 23 March 2012

Moments Of Joy

Recently I came to a decision that I need to start carving out moments of joy every day for myself. Some days I go so deep and dark into my thoughts, hurt and anxiety that I have really noticed a change in my personality. And...since I do NOT believe in uppers in the form of drugs I have to find my moments of high elsewhere. Those moments can be anything really. But I started thinking that I really need to REALLY put myself IN the moment when those things present themselves. These are just some of my "moments of joy"..

1. The first few mins when DH walks in the door after work and we smile, hug each other and kiss *sigh*
2. Mocha Syrup creme frapps from Starbucks ( I have to be careful about this one though because the calorie intake on these babies will result in me gaining a million pounds) Just saying those order words is sort of
3. Control/Lists. When I make lists/plans for the day/future I get a certain joy out of it that is really quite odd
4. "M Day" - I only see my BFF one day a week but that day is needed and appreciated. She brings out some of the best of who I am.
5. Singing along to a really good song on the radio or putting in one of my most favourite CDs
6. A really good meal. I love food so much it is a wonder I am not overweight.
7. Making a point to cuddle daily with Molly- our big sap of a rottweiler. In her eyes I'm the best it gets.
8. Those odd moments in time during the day when I find myself really truly letting go and laughing - recognising that moment and taking the time to just let it sit and really enjoy it.

DH is great at the last one especially. He comes home sometimes with these widely inappropriate jokes and stories from the day at work and I really cannot help but laugh. He is a construction foreman so needless to say his work environment is VERY different from my own. He could never do what I do (loads of paperwork) and I could never do what he does (intense labour).

Today we head to the cabin. DH is super excited and although the cabin is not my most favourite thing to do I love seeing him so excited and happy. That is probably another moment of joy for me. I love being able to make DH happy.

Slowly one day at a time I will chip away at this TTC break I am on and May will hopefully be here before I know it!

1 comment:

  1. i love that list of joyful moments! i completed #5 after work yesterday and it felt so good...then #2 this morning at starbucks...then #4 lastnihgt with a girls night out: ) maybe i need to make a list...i know we have a lot to be joyful for! just wait until we get our about JOY!
