Tuesday 13 March 2012

Letting Off Some Steam

I am ashamed to admit I just had a cry fest at work in the bathroom. Don't worry...its a private bathroom..it was only a pity party of one.
What you should know is the tears had nothing to do with TTC what so ever. It's my freaking job. Don't get me wrong, as far as jobs go this one is pretty good...the only problem is all the false promises they made to me...like a 3 month raise that never happened and then a 9 month raise ...that still has not happened. The issue I have is I turned down two other jobs to take this job with the promise of these raises and am mad at myself because the other jobs were offering me more which this company promised to match and exceed if I took THEIR offer. So much for that. I feel like such a fool and now like I am in between a rock and a hard place...and really stuck. I don't want to throw a full blown temper tantrum over what should have been rightfully mine as stated within my job offer and I think quitting and getting another job is out of the question as well. So...basically I am just having a pity party. One where I am mentally cursing out my boss in many different unladylike words.
The major problem is without this raise DH and I cannot afford the house we want. And without my raise when mat-leave comes I will be getting a lot less in payout then I should. It is like a waterfall effect. A shit waterfall that is. Fuming doesn't even begin to describe what I am feeling like on the inside.
I really do not know what to do at this point. I have met and exceeded all expectations set forth....I have done my part...I've been a good employee...now I think it's time for them to be a good employer - if that even exists....


  1. I think you should tell them how frustrated you are and that you passed up other job offers based on what they said. They have no idea if you would be willing to switch jobs right now (right?), and for all they know you could be actively looking.

    I'm sorry. I completely understand the frustration. I can't tell you how many times I've cried at work just because of work.

    1. That cry actually came AFTER I talked to my superior about all of what you mentioned above(she is great - my boss the one who owns the whole company...is not).
      I think I cried after because I was trying so hard not to cry when I went to her with all my concerns trying to stay calm and professional (so much for that hey? lol). She told me she was going in one more time with him to address the issue. If that has not worked itself out I will be doing it myself - which is not reccomended by many in the company but may be my last and only resort...*sigh*
